No matter how big or small your living situation is, we all know what it is like to "need some space!"
Giving kids the opportunity to take a box and make a space that is just for them during times like these can be relieving. It can be a box that they fill with favorite items, memories, thoughts, etc. so they know they are safe in these uncertain times. It can be a pace where they are keeping all that makes them happy when they are worried about what is going on around them. When they feel anxious they can turn to their box to find items that remind them of things they love to do, be, see, etc.
Or the box can be a container. A place where they can draw a picture of how angry they are that they can't see their friends at school, crumble the paper and throw it in the box. A place to "contain" the emotions they don't like. Write it down and toss it in there, to let the feeling out and not stuck inside so they burst.
You can also use larger boxes! Boxes you or your child can fit into! Make a place they can retreat to and take a break, destress, get time alone, etc.
Make one for each kid or make one for the whole family.
Use any kind of materials: fabric, cotton balls, tape, glue, wrapping paper, paint, scissors, chalk, anything you have! String is nice if they want to be able to tie it shut. Be creative. It doesn't have to be big, it just has to contain and be sturdy (so you don't have crying kids as they are working on it and their "safe place" falls apart... see the metaphor....yes, that would not be fun!).
And hey... parents can do these projects too! Doesn't hurt to get to experience what your kids are.... it helps us all understand each other better!
More box ideas:
And keep yourself healthy. Mentally Healthy! Be optimistic! Be hopeful!
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