Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Somedays this feels like a dark tunnel we are in and it is hard to see where the end is...

I want to see the light at the end!

So we drew tunnels! And we made our light!

Give yourself the light....
Get creative. It doesn't actually have to be a light... it could be whatever your light would be.
A star of hope...
A school bus pick-up...
A smile....
A loved one...

Have fun!
Stay Safe!
Be well!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Brighten things up!

Brighten things up!

There is a lot to say for the way your home is, will affect the way you feel. We talk about clutter, about keeping up with maintenance, making beds, etc...

But here let's take a moment to brighten things up with happy thoughts!

Make your home exude happiness on the outside! So it is contagious... yes, like COVID-19, but in a GOOD, HAPPY Way! Pass it on, so when you look out your door or windows you feel happy and when people look over they feel happy!

I envision cites full of happy windows :) Town where you drive down the street and everyone have happy things paint o their doors!

Smiley Faces!
Spring Flowers!

Go For it!

Make sure the paint is washable. We used Crayola washable paints... but any will do. And you can make washable paint by taking tempera paint and adding liquid dish soap to it.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Go to your happy place....

When all you want to do is be somewhere else...

Go there in your art!

Find an image. Of a place that would feel really good to be right now! And focus on it. Then create it!
Really spend time working on your image. Make it feel good.  Play the perfect music while you create, think happy thoughts of being there.

Imagine being there!

And when you are done, you can stare at your picture and go there!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Navigating Life

Before all of this COVID-19 changes started, I started a series of drawings which I titled : Navigating. My plan was to draw and paint tools that are used in navigation. I started with tools used to navigate the seas merely because I live near the sea and the sextant has played a significant part in my life thus far. I have done a dozen images of the sextant at this point! It is as if I am drawing hands and feet again!

But I was not planning on doing just this tool. I started looking at the compass, the astrolabe, talking with my brother about tools used to navigate the skies as a pilot, etc. I wanted to dive into all tools we have used through time to navigate our experience of life.

This series started to take on a new meaning for me as I was applying it to all those around me. I realized we are all simply navigating all the time. Unsure when there will be a storm, unaware of new situations that lie ahead, unclear exactly how to deal with things we never dreamt we would have to deal with. So many friends and family describing life situations that they were struggling with and trying to figure out how to go forward, how to reach our goals, how to get around this obstacle, which way to go when there is fork in the road.

I will continue with my series. But thought you might like to see some.

So I would like you to think about what you would use to navigate life. What navigation tools from the past might call to you? Or what you feel helps you to "navigate" this present situation.

Real, imaginary, historical, present day....

I would love to hear or see you ideas. Create away!

Be well!
Stay Safe!
Have Fun!

Drawing with Both Hands: Final Images Day 6

So I decided to send along the rest of my drawings so you can see the progression. My left hand is not perfect, but is hard to believe it is the same hand that produced those scratchy drawings the first day. And it is interesting to see how my right hand improved merely by working so hard with my left. You can see how the way I was thinking changed and allowed me to become a better artist in such a short time.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Metaphor of an Obstacle Course

Looking at a rainy week and need to keep kids active! Phew, adds to the challenge of this situation.
Well here is a fun activity!

Get a roll of masking tape. Make an obstacle course. Anywhere in the house.
Then try to get through it!

Laugh, giggle, work through the time you "get stuck by the tape", talk about how that might be challenging.

Then apply it to life! 

We just got handed an obstacle course. And lief will continue to hand us all obstacle course, this is life!

But how we respond to the course: if we laugh when we get stuck, rather than cry.
If we play and have fun, and work together, talk it through (careful you are about to get stuck bend down lower, reach higher, etc.), we will make it through this.

Help your kids learn life lessons. We have the opportunity to all come out of this stronger!

Super Heroes to the Rescue!

We all love super heroes!

Who are our super heroes right now?

I could list a ton... not just the medical professionals ( huge round of applause here), but everyone that is stepping up, performing selfless acts and helping the whole.

Talk with your kids about what they imagine a super hero would look like today. What would their super powers be? How would they help? Go into detail... what would they be scared of ( kryptonite), etc.

Then let them create!

Maybe this is a time for them to talk to you about what they are really afraid of, or maybe this is a time that they can feel some power when they might actually being feeling powerless. Maybe they make themselves the super hero because they wish they could help. Listen to their super hero stories. Maybe even take it a step further and let them dress up as a super hero and act out fighting off COVID-19 :).

Corona Virus Attacker  (6yr. old)

Give them some "power" so they don't feel powerless.

Finding things kids can do to help... will help them... will empower them!

Message in a Bottle

At times like this you may feel the need to reach out to others.
Please do!
Video, text, call, etc! 
Stay connected. 
Don't feel isolation, 
just physical distance not a social disconnect.

 To think, not so long ago, to reach out to others when you were in isolation, like being on an island by yourself, you would write a message put it in a bottle and send it out to sea. Hope guiding it. With luck someone.... would find your message in a bottle.

You can take this project as a literal project and make a 3D object, sculpture - if you will, and find a special bottle, cork and paper and make a message. What would you say? What would you ask for? Who would you want to say something to? Or what do you think it is important for people to understand?

Or create a sketchbook image of a message in a bottle. The challenge of drawing apiece of paper inside of a bottle, will test your skills. However, the bigger challenge is letting us know what that note might say.

Have fun!
Stay Safe!
Be well!

Drawing with Both Your Hands Day 5

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Drawing with Both Hands: Day 4

It is starting to happen...

you can't tell which hand I am using.

Not completely, but it is happening.

I am hoping it is happening for you too!  eep it up. 
Try using different materials. Try using different colors. 

Be well! Have Fun!
Stay Safe!

When life hands you lemon....

We all know the saying!

 Here's your lemon. COVID-19

What are you going to make out of it?

Talking with my son, I said, "When you look back at this time in your life, you will ask what did I do? How did I take this time to make something more from something that felt like less."

Take time today to do a drawing of what you would do with a lemon....

And yes, this another HS sketchbook assignment that I dug up. :)

Be well! Stay safe! And have fun!


What is a Mandala?

Here is a great definition or what they are and where they come from.

We are going to focus on the fact that they are a circle. And that they are used as a "collection point"or "receptacle".

So you are going to ask how we are going to create a circle that can hold something?
Simple... get a pie plate. Trace it. You have a circle. A "place to put what you need to express."

Whatever you put on the inside is being contained, held, kept safe or kept away from the rest of the page. You can put all the good on the inside that you want to care for or you can put all the anxiety, fear, frustration, etc. that you feel on the inside.

This is great for anyone. Give the kid a pie plate when they feel out of control. Trace it. And let them create!

For older students you may want to learn more. You can bring meaning to the colors, designs, etc.

Here are some great books to take you in other directions rather than just using 2D materials.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Drawing with Both Your Hands Day 4

So, You get to skip a few days ahead. This is fast forward four days.

My sixteen year old self is becoming a little more free with my drawing. Loosing up one hand because I can only be loose with the other.

Take the time to look at sketches by famous artists. DaVinci for example. How does he catch the essence of a figure or a face. https://www.leonardodavinci.net/drawings.jsp

I am definitely not Da Vinci.

Aspiration is good! And the reality is he did a lot of sketching... and so can you!

And here is a shout out to a sketch sent in! Nice work on their Day 1 sketch!

Past Posts

Community Art Project : Do It at Cotuit

It felt great to work on this life sized mural that connects artist while we are apart. Literally intertwines humans on the canvas and spark...