Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Navigating a New Experience: Ship drawings or building ( all ages)

Imagine:  You are on a journey, exploring new lands. You don't know when you will reach land and get to see other humans again. Your crew is only those people living in your home with you. You may encounter stormy seas, have days where you are bored or tired of being with each other, other days when you rise to the challenge, listen to your Captain and overcome great challenges. We all must be careful in how we express our emotions on that ship because we don't want the crew to declare mutiny. We are depending on the strength of our ship, our team and working together.

Now Create:

Take time to create your ship and draw your team. Or even use boxes, recyclables, etc. build a ship. Name it. Name all the crew members. Decide if there are any rules people need to follow on the ship. Talk about how it is hard to not be able to jump in the shark infested waters and how you miss seeing everyone on land. But you are navigating the unknown and we are all brave on this journey.

Love to see pictures if you want to share!

Have fun! Be well! Express yourself!

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