Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Navigating Life

Before all of this COVID-19 changes started, I started a series of drawings which I titled : Navigating. My plan was to draw and paint tools that are used in navigation. I started with tools used to navigate the seas merely because I live near the sea and the sextant has played a significant part in my life thus far. I have done a dozen images of the sextant at this point! It is as if I am drawing hands and feet again!

But I was not planning on doing just this tool. I started looking at the compass, the astrolabe, talking with my brother about tools used to navigate the skies as a pilot, etc. I wanted to dive into all tools we have used through time to navigate our experience of life.

This series started to take on a new meaning for me as I was applying it to all those around me. I realized we are all simply navigating all the time. Unsure when there will be a storm, unaware of new situations that lie ahead, unclear exactly how to deal with things we never dreamt we would have to deal with. So many friends and family describing life situations that they were struggling with and trying to figure out how to go forward, how to reach our goals, how to get around this obstacle, which way to go when there is fork in the road.

I will continue with my series. But thought you might like to see some.

So I would like you to think about what you would use to navigate life. What navigation tools from the past might call to you? Or what you feel helps you to "navigate" this present situation.

Real, imaginary, historical, present day....

I would love to hear or see you ideas. Create away!

Be well!
Stay Safe!
Have Fun!

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